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  It's no secret that business opportunities are continuing to grow on Instagram. Approximately 90% of Instagram's 1 billion active monthly users follow a business account on the platform, and there are more than 200 million business accounts. New Data: Instagram Engagement Report [2022 Version] But here's the deal: Unless you're famous, it's really hard to amass a huge following on Instagram without some hard work. Luckily, you can do a few things right away to collect at least 1,000 quality followers for your personal or professional Instagram account. It's all about knowing where to invest your time and effort. In this post, we'll discuss a few strategies to help you gain those followers, from creating a follow-worthy Instagram profile to using contests and staying true to your brand. How to Get More Followers on Instagram Make your account into a business profile and optimize the description. Designate an experienced content creator. Follow photography and editing best practices. Adhere to a regular posting schedule.

  Allow outside contributors to curate your content. Use a consistent, platform-specific brand voice. Write engaging, shareable captions. Optimize posts with relevant hashtags. Lean into trending content formats. Post content your followers want to see. Promote your Instagram. Engage with users through follows, likes, and comments. Cross-promote with influencers and brands with similar audiences. Run Instagram contests to encourage engagement. Explore Instagram Stories' interactive features. Use the Instagram Live feature. Share your profile link on your website and social media channels. Post user-generated content. Diversify your audience to resonate with different types of users. Apply for a verification badge. Create your own filters and badges. Tag relevant users. Post content that's meant to be re-shared. Get on the Instagram Explore page. Share educational content with Instagram slides. Host an Instagram account takeover.

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  1. Make your account into a business profile and optimize the description. First thing's first: Customize your Instagram profile to make it look good. Tell your potential followers who you are, and give them a reason to follow you. How? Start by making sure your username is recognizable and easily searchable – like your business name. how to get more followers: make a business account and optimize your profile description Image Source If your business name is already taken, try keeping your business name as the first part of your username so that people searching for your business are more likely to come across you. For example, the Australian activewear line Lorna Jane uses the username Lornajaneactive.

  Setting Up Your Account Step 1. Add your full business name to the "Name" field in the "Options" section. To find "Options," tap the three lines in the top right corner of the iOS app, followed by "Settings" which will appear at the bottom of the screen next to a gear. If you're on Android, tap the three dots in the corner. Your business or name will appear under your profile picture and your username in search. Step 2. Make your profile public. To make your profile public, open Instagram, open "Options," and make sure "Private Account" is turned off. setting up your instagram account to gain followers step to make your account public Step 3. Choose a profile picture that's on-brand with your other social networks, like your company logo. Step 4. Fill your bio with delightful, actionable, and informative information about your brand. Information like this lets people know what you're about and gives them a reason to follow you. Include who you are and what you do, and be sure to add a hint of personality.

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  Here are a few examples for inspiration: Cheekbonebeauty: "Less waste. Ethical and safe ingredients." Oreo: "Playful moments from your favorite cookie." Mrsbrittanyhennessy: "Helping Influencers go beyond #sponcon and create sustainable businesses." CalifiaFarms: "Something different, something better. Let us show you what plants can do." Coragedolls: "Elevating, educating, & encouraging girls of color to be unstoppable with dolls that finally look like her." Step 5. Add a link tree to your bio to make it easy for people to go straight from Instagram to your other platforms if they want to. The space allotted for URLs is precious real estate. When you receive 10,000 followers, you can add links to your Instagram Stories. Until then, your bio is the only place within Instagram where you can place clickable links, so use it wisely. We recommend using a shortened, customized Bitly link to make it more clickable. Step 6. Enable notifications so you can see when people share or comment on your photos. This'll let you engage with them more quickly – just like a lot of companies do on Twitter. To enable notifications, go to "Options" and then "Push Notification Settings." Select "From Everyone" for every category. A word to the wise: We don't recommend you link your Instagram account to Twitter and Facebook (or other social media platforms) for automatic posts. Because every platform caters to a different audience and requires different types of posts.

 Designate an experienced content creator. Just like there should be one (maybe two) people managing your other social media accounts, there should only be one or two people managing your Instagram account. If possible, choose someone with experience on the platform who will "get" it — and be sure they stay updated on all new features Instagram has to offer from Reels to IGTV. If you work for a large organization, you might find that a lot of people want a say in what's posted. That's when an organized request or guidelines document comes in handy. This document should inform people how to request a post on your Instagram account, when, the value of the post, and why. 3. Follow photography and editing best practices. On Instagram, post quality matters. A lot. Your Twitter followers might forgive a few bad tweets, but a bad photo on Instagram is a big no-no. Fortunately, you don't have to take a photography course to be a good Instagram poster — nor do you have to practice for weeks before you start. But you should get familiar with basic photography tips and photo editing apps. Photography Best Practices Since Instagram is a mobile app, chances are, some content you post to Instagram will be taken on your mobile device. That's expected.

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